Where Have I Been During Essay 3?

Where have I been while writing my research essay about asylum? Well, first of all, I’ve been to Stress Street, Anxiety-ville, Sleep Deprived City, and All-Nighter Alley. This paper was my first research paper that wasn’t a literary analysis, and it was a difficult journey. Finding credible sources and looking through each one for evidence that supports my claims, my desire to incorporate too many ideas, which then lead to the difficulty of narrowing my thesis made this essay all the more tricky. No matter how much I didn’t want to, I had to take a step back and ask myself what I really wanted to focus on and what my stance was.

While doing research, I took a trip back to high school and revisited databases to find those credible  sources I needed. And, with the help of Dr. Mintler, I looked at newspaper articles too that really helped me decide what I would narrow my thesis to.  During this long journey, I’ve been working towards the destination of proving that the asylum system has been mishandled by governments and citizens of countries granting asylum. I am hoping to prove that asylum seekers need more just treatment and more aid from the global community. Asylum seekers are struggling to find safety from danger and they cannot do so without aid from other countries, or without the willingness to accept and help from citizens of asylum granting countries. I believe it is a mandatory part of being a global citizen to aid fellow human beings with the same right to life and happiness as anyone else on the planet. While this journey though essay 3 has been difficult, it has been informative and has given me more insight to the asylum system, and has given me even more passion to follow events regarding it.


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